In this October, Jasmin from Boobsbusiness is embarking on her 4th annual charity project to support breast cancer research.
This year, all proceeds will be generously donated to Deutsche Krebshilfe, an organization for breast cancer. This limited collaboration art from 10 German artists, from different cities, including me. My Illustration for the pot, with a 'Wimmelbild' or City-doodle illustration style, was inspired by the timeless beauty of Delftware. Somehow I thought about, when people drew their own stories through Porcelain. (Boobpot's made from air-dryer ton, not a real ton :) If you'd like to HAVE a pot and to SUPPORT our solidarity collobaration project. This is possible by bidding through eBay auction. The auction is set to conclude on this Sunday,22. Oct. at 8 PM CET. "Click here" So be sure to place your bids before the deadline and be a part of this meaningful cause. :) â
Photo credit: Valentin Schumacher IG: schumachervalentin
Alicia Ceramics X Mayha Suaysom: Unsere Collaboration ist on sale am Sonntag, den 8.10. um 19h10/4/2023 Ich freue mich sehr, euch mitteilen zu können, dass unsere erste Zusammenarbeit endlich verfügbar ist!
Habt ihr bereits davon gehört? Die Große eignet sich perfekt für Doppel-Espresso, Tee oder sogar einen kleinen Kaffee. 😊 Die alle Tassen sind SIGNIERT und NUMMERIERT. Es gibt nicht viel. Wir veranstalten Live-Verkäufe auf Instagram unter @alicia.ceramics. Wenn ihr weitere Informationen benötigt, zögert nicht, mich oder Alicia anzuschreiben. Wir freuen uns auf eure Fragen und hoffen, euch bald zu sehen! JUHU!!!!! Alicia & Mayha Why 0711 "0711" is actually the city code (Vorwahl) for Stuttgart, which people also use for something, which connects / refers to Stuttgart. Inside the Illustration A simple idea: Exploring Stuttgart in the Fun Way. My illustration blends iconic landmarks with local gems (in funny way). I love that people can interact to my work by finding some hidden stuff inside my whole illustration. It's much more fun and this time it has 11 Lists of hidden items (you'll find a list on the back cover, while the front cover keeps them concealed.) Where can you find "0711" Puzzle? Directly on the Das Puzzle Kollektiv website: Explore our collection of puzzles, including "0711," and discover even more options. in some local shops like Kesselgut or SuperJuju, etc... other online retailers... Enjoy the Adverture! >D #madeingermany #madeinstuttgart #puzzlekollektiv
December 2024